Memorial Cookbook

Those Who Have Died
by Suicide


Recipe Contributors

Brenda Adkins
Joan George
Karyl Chastain Beal
Denise Bellion
Sherry Biddle
Amy Blalock
Jane Hart Brendle
Wanda Brockson
Stephanie Brookhouse
Marcia Brown
Patti Brown
Nedra Brunette
Ruth Burleson
Pamela Cabrera
Argia Caines
Pat Caldwell
Kathie Carrigan
Nancy Chute
April Cline
Marge Cline
Trevia Lynne Colwell
Kristi Dalske
Elaine Davison
Sharon Dungey
Geri Dunn
Patricia Dupuis
Cindy Eberly
Donna Fitts
Nancy Fortier
Barbara Garland
Linda Garrett
Joan George
Brenda Gierczak
Amber Guerrero
Melissa Hanson
Jean Hargreaves
Ruth Havens
Shirley Hawley
Karla Henderson
Bob & Lynda Humphrey
Patty Jacobs
Sherri Jobes
Debbie Kampowski
Jane Keefover
Karen Kimball
Patricia (Pat) LaFever
Kim Lastinger
Dwain & Debbie Lawless
Rosaleen McCabe Lawless
Cheryl Lee
Frank Lemongello
Linda Lerner
Kathi (Kit) Lesinski
Julia Long
Jo-Ann Maginnis
Sandy Malek
Barb Mares
Linda Marquez
Norma Marrison
Linda Marshall
Faye E. Martin
Diane McAuliffe
Florence McDonald
Jerri McDonald
Shea McFarland
Mary McIntosh
Darlene McLay
LeAnn Mendoza
Shelia Milam
Josh Miller
Tanya Moroz
Shelley Nebout
Sharon D. O’Neill
Tina Ortega
Leslie Phillips
Kelly Pike
Marianne Piquet
Beverly Pitts
Judy Raney
Rosalinda Rayne
Marcia Gelman Resnick
Glenda Rhodes-Madison
Penne Richards
Carole Riggs
Bunkie Burke Rivkin
Stephanie Roberts
Stuart Rosencrantz
Mare Sanford
Paula Shimkus
Veronica Siraki
Barb Staggs
Carla Stumpf-Patton
Barbara Tabor
Tracy Toner
Carol Tracy
Dolly Treece
Anita Triplett
Karen Tronecker
Carrie Turner
Kristi Valis
Rose Vaness
Cathy Ward
Morrigan Wilde-Hartman
Diane Yates
Darlene Zimmerman

Metric Conversion Chart

1 fluid oz = 29.5 millilitres
1 quart = 1 approximately 1 litre
1 Tablespoon = scant 15 millilitres
1 teaspoon = 5 millilitres
1 cup = 250 millilitres

1 oz = approx. 29 grams
1 pound (lb) = approx. 454 grams
1 cup = 213 grams margarine
(or liquid solids)
1 cup = 149 grams flour
(or fine powders)
1 cup = 106 grams rice
(or grains)



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Cookbook Home

Parents of Suicide
Friends and Families of Suicide




"On The Internet"
"We Remember Them"
"When Someone is Too Bruised to be Touched"
"Recipe Contributors"


"I Am Alive"
        By: Jeff Shuck


  • Angelic Appetizers & Beverages

    "POS is a Light House"
           By: Alice Stephen


  • Special Soups & Salads

     "The Invisible Cord"
            With Love From Terri Apostolakos


  • Various Vegetables & Side Dishes


    "Parents of a Suicide"
            By Denise Bellion


  • Mouth-Watering Main Dishes


    "Special Quotes"


  • Butterfly Breads & Rolls


    "Words To Ponder"


  • Delicious Desserts

    "A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss and Suicide"
            By: Iris Bolton


  • Yummy Cookies & Candy


    "We Remember Them"
            ~From the Jewish Book of Prayer~


  • Vivacious Variety
  • Parents of Suicide
    Friends and Families of Suicide

     Created with Love for
    ALL of our loved ones by:
    Elaine Davison
    Mother of Mark Baker
    Rose City, Mi
    07/31/80 to 01/05/98

    © 06/2004
    All rights reserved